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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ines & Matt - Social Life

Yes, we do have a social life outside of the MC....AND we have a picture to prove it.

This is Matt and Ines out hitting the town at KSET. (We were actually trying to locate someone for AIESEC reasons...but don't tell anyone).

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Typical Matt Meal

Now, many of you are probably wondering how Matt manages to survive away from home for so long in a strange, foreign land.

Today I'll teach you how to cook what I call "Meat a la Matt"
Step 1) Take some minced meat and throw it in a pan. You can pick this up at Konzum for 15-20 kunas.

Step 2) Add some high quality Osujsko beer for flavour

Step 3) Add some corn for nutrition and vitamins

Step 4) Add some Vegeta...cause it's illegal to make food here without it :)

Step 5) Voila! You have created "Meat a la Matt" - not only good to taste but good to view!

Step 6) Eat and Enjoy!

Happy and no longer hungry Matt!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

MC Meeting Minutes

So I held an MC Meeting in the office today....here's a brief of what took place:

Matt: "I think we should do more exchange, what does everyone think?"

Marina: *silence*

Ines: *silence*

Sebi: *silence*

Computer: *beep*

Bird outside: *chirp, chirp*

Matt: "Excellent points everyone as usual! Thanks for your input. Now, let's get started on these stragies"

Stay tuned for more minutes from MC meetings....

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I'm so Ronery

With Marina and Ines at IC and Sebi back home in Romania for exams, I now what Kim Jong Il felt like in the movie "Team America"

Click here for a clip of Matt singing in the office:


Friday, August 19, 2005


Thanks to all your support, Matt has now hit 50 connections on LinkedIn. He is gaining fast on Sebi!

Drink Milk! Love Life!

Yes, that's Matt's new motto! Waving his lunch bag around the MC Office and promoting the new concept of his life, Matt is becoming a very happy person. We think the bag or the slogan has a deep impact on his perspective of life...
We are a bit worried, but as long as he's happy we're happy. :)

Ready to sell...

Matt learns new things...

One of the cool part about MC life is that you learn each day a lot of new things about yourself, about the others, about life in general. Also cool is the fact that you get to do stuff that you might have never done before... Especially if you're far away from home. For instance, Matt just learned about the ironing process and now he's very keen to try it.

We are very proud of the fact that Matt managed to avoid putting a hole in that shirt... We still didn't tell him though that the shirt is not a shrine and therefore he doesn't have to knee while ironing. ;)

They're working...

It's so cool what you can do with pictures... Look at the picture bellow.

It almost look as they are working isn't it? Well think again!

Roof Fell In - Part III: The Proof

And here we come with the pictures from the disastrous attack of the rain over our MC Office. But you don't have to worry. We're all alright. Thank you all for the wonderful e-mails that you've sent us and also for all the donations that you've transferred to our account for our medical treatment.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Bad Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Still related to LinkedIn race...

Obviously after the terrible injuries that Matt sustained durring the falling roof, he's not clearly thinking. I pitty you Matt... I do.

The only good choice that you could actually do about LinkedIn is that you should add Sebi to your connections. Sincerly. Why would you add 3 with less connections all together, when you could add one, but good, which has more than all three together.

So therefore, feel free too join Sebi's LinkedIn connections and have a nice day everyday meanwhile and after ;)

From the MC Corner,
A Sebi's LinkedIn Connections supporter. ;)

Roof Falls In part II

Another part of the roof caved in today. Luckily, the MC escaped (and a member of TAXI) escaped yet again without many injuries. This time we do have pictures....coming soon.

A competition is brewing in the MC office. We are seeing who has the most connections on linkedin.com

Sebi is in the lead with 155 connections.
Matt is second with 44
Marina is third with 21
And Ines is trailing behind with 8

So, to help the rest of the MC team catch up, be sure to add Matt, Marina and Ines to your linkedin (but not Sebi)!